Hip And Knee Doc

Contact Tulsa’s best HIP & KNEE doc!


You are one step away from visiting Tulsa’s premier bone and joint clinic! Call 918-514-3009 to schedule a consultation or with any questions. We look forward to caring for you.

Dr. LaButti is a hip and knee expert. He will also see patients for shoulder, foot/ankle pain providing they have not had any prior surgery.

Dr. LaButti is located at: 

Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma
2408 E. 81st Street
2nd floor
Tulsa, OK 74137

The best 2020

Clinic hours for Dr. LaButti: Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at 7:30 am.
Our phone hours are Monday- Friday from 7am -4pm. To reach Dr. LaButti after hours please page him at (918) 761-9506 or his cell at (918) 269-4705. You can send Dr. LaButti a secure message by clicking the link below.
Your experience at Advanced Orthopedics of Oklahoma is very important to us. If you have a concern, please address it directly with Dr. LaButti.


Call our office at 918-514-3009.